Monday, August 20, 2012


I heard a story yesterday which got me thinking ... A Cherokee chief had four sons and he sent told them all to go a look at this pear tree. One went in the winter time, the next in spring, the next in spring and the last in fall.

The chief gathered his sons and proceeded to ask them what they had seen. The first son had said that he had seen a tree that was bear, marked by emptiness, with nothing on the tree showing future promise.

The second son disagreed, saying that he had seen a tree covered in buds, showing the potential of the future life it had

The third disagreed again, saying that the tree was covered in beautiful flowers.

The last son said that all were incorrect, that the tree was producing great fruit

The son debated about who was correct, but then the chief stopped them saying that they were all correct but that life shouldn't be judged on the basis of one season.

A season may be hard but this doesn't mean that life is hard

A season may be beautiful or show potential or reap fruit but there is a time to be stripped bear and to go back to what is what is essential in your life

As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes there is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens so don't worry if your life seems empty and bare, because there is a future filled with potential, beauty and fruit ahead