Sunday, September 30, 2012

Keep on moving

I realised something a couple of days ago... so much in the Bible happens when someone is travelling somewhere

We have Pauls encounter on the road to Damascus

We have the disciples encounter on the road to Emaus

Philip met with the Ethiopian offical after been told to take the desert road to Gaza

the list goes on and on...

Things seem to happen when we are going somewhere in our life

It is hard for God to move in our life if we are stationary. I don't mean this in a strictly phisical sense.

It is important to stop sometimes and take stock, but it must be part of journey in which we are moving forward..

We might not be able to see the journey ahead, but we need to keep moving. You can't steer a ship that is stationary, instead it will be moved by the currents it sits in.

If we don't want to be controlled by the currents that surround us we have to keep moving forward

The road to wherever you are going may seem irrelevant and boring but you have no idea where God will meet you...