I have in the last days come to realize that I am not Superman.
I don’t mean this in the sense that I cannot fly or catch bullets or turn back time.
I mean it in the sense that I cannot save the world. I cannot, no matter how much I want to, save those who you love the most.
I’m not going to go into detail but I was in a situation where I was trying to save the world, whilst ignoring the hurt that it was causing me.
I heard someone talk a couple of weeks ago about self-care. He talked about how the first thing we should do when trying to help someone is make sure that we are in a position to help those who we aim to help. He gave the analogy of when an airplane loses cabin pressure. Do we help the person next to us put their oxygen mask on first? No. Because if we pass out then we are of no help at all. So we fix the mask on ourselves first.
In my head I was (am still am) being pulled in two directions. It does make sense to look care for yourself but on the other hand, when appealing to my caring nature, it seems selfish. It was taking more that I had to put myself in this situation. And with hindsight I can see that I was tearing myself apart, which was resulting to me not being able to help and possibly being more of a hinderance.
So my advice to you is that if you wish to help those in this world that you hold dear, then make sure that you are in a position to help
you've been watching too much Scrubs!
One can obviously take this too far and go down the road of "to love others like you love yourself you have to love yourself" and end up in a me first. BUT if you mean you have to receive God's love/spirit to be able to give it out rather than try in your own strength then YES! We need to spend more time praying and less time doing - so that our doing is spirit empowered. After all it's God who changes hearts and saves people - not all our effort - however, we are called to do our part and be co-workers with Christ - so need to make sure we don't head down the passive-God'll-sort-it route either!
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