Thursday, January 13, 2011

More of a suburban dullness than an Urban Adventure

I'm sorry for not blogging recently but I've been a bit preoccupied.

At the moment I am not in the USA, but in the UK. This is a result of having to wait for a new visa. Admittedly this last couple of weeks has been a real struggle, going from doing really exciting work in a really interesting city in the USA to doing 'donkey' work back at my old job in grey old England is enough to make pretty much anyone feel down, frustrated and fed up.

It's not that I don't like England, I do, but when you know that your called to be somewhere to do something and you can't get there it is frustrating.

I have wondered where God is in all of this waiting, because he could fix this in an instance, but the lack of progress leads me to believe that there is more that meets the eye, that God isn't being vindictive or ignorant but that he is trying to teach me.

I realised that the most frustrating thing is having no control over what is not happening. This isn't a new. I struggle a lot with not feeling that in someway i can influence what is occurring, and maybe this is God telling me that I need to release control, to trust him. That's what the writer of Proverbs says, that we need to place our trust into Gods hands, and not put our faith into our own understanding, not depending on our own strength but Gods. Maybe this is what God is trying teach me.


Bradley said...

Good entry mate, and quite correct. You don't know what God is working on in your life at the mo but He does all things which are best for you!!

Nate Hulfish said...

missing you and praying for you.