Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Meaning is in the Waiting

It struck me today that we are missing a huge aspect of this Holiday season. At the moment the Christmas season has gone into hyper drive. The Coca Cola Adverts have hit the TV and commercialism has a subtle but significant hold on our hearts and mind, and because of this we miss the season of waiting

Jesus was expected, for thousands of years, people were looking to the time that the Messiah was going to come and bring deliverance. The Season of Advent has been described as hopeful waiting in excitement.

But I think that waiting is a lost art. We have Microwaves and Credit Cards. We get excited about temporary things. In the US we launch from Thanksgiving to Christmas without the blink of an eye but we forget that there is a story of epic proportions behind the coming from and of Christ which has not been completed.

We need to remember that the story of Jesus isn't wrapped up in the nativity story. The old head of the Bank of England, Mervyn King once said that "The true meaning of Christmas will not be revealed until Easter - or possibly much later". He was talking about the economic surge expected through retail sales but I think he hit the nail on the head when thinking about the Jesus. The Story of Jesus is not over in Bethlehem. This what the introduction, that is the Old Testament, has been leading up to. But we need to remember that Jesus died. Rose from the dead.

And we are waiting, like those before his birth, for Christ to come.

That is something we need to remember. This story is not over. And I hope that sometime this advent season, you have a moment to sit and wait. A time to wait expectantly for the return of Christ.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


I was at shore recently, and as usual, I have a uncontrollable urge to just stare out to sea, out towards the horizon. It is mesmerizing.

It when whilst staring out into the great void that is the Atlantic Ocean that I got thinking about what is before me and what has passed.

In my head I couldn't stop thinking that I have a choice. A choice to either live a life full of regret. Regretting choices made (or not made), replaying them in my head, over and over until it envelops my entire existence. Devoting your thinking to the "what ifs".  Or I can take note of what has passed and let it mold you into a person that I want to be, learning from the things that I regret, seeking to look forward to a future, instead of replaying the past.

Johnny Cash is  a hero of mine, and he once said "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space." I agree with him

There are things I regret. Things I wish I did differently. But I want to take these regrets and make sure that they are a stepping stone to my future.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Beautiful Death

This I have to concede, that America, especially where I am at the moment, outshines the UK in how it does Fall (Autumn). Countless trees are turning to beautiful shades of orange and red.

I was thinking about why the Americans call this season 'Fall' and it dawned on me that, despite being more beautiful than they have this year, they are falling, dying.

It is, in essence, a beautiful death. One marked with such beauty

This got me wondering about how else a death could be considered beautiful and I realised that there is no death more beautiful that us dying to ourselves.

This is a intertwining theme spanning the Bible.

Jesus  tells us in Luke 9, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Like us, the leaves are dying in order to bring life. There is a promise of renewal, of something better than what we have now.

Bonhoeffer talks about how to die to ourself is saying "He leads the way, keep close to him".

Keep Him close

All else is secondary


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Keep on moving

I realised something a couple of days ago... so much in the Bible happens when someone is travelling somewhere

We have Pauls encounter on the road to Damascus

We have the disciples encounter on the road to Emaus

Philip met with the Ethiopian offical after been told to take the desert road to Gaza

the list goes on and on...

Things seem to happen when we are going somewhere in our life

It is hard for God to move in our life if we are stationary. I don't mean this in a strictly phisical sense.

It is important to stop sometimes and take stock, but it must be part of journey in which we are moving forward..

We might not be able to see the journey ahead, but we need to keep moving. You can't steer a ship that is stationary, instead it will be moved by the currents it sits in.

If we don't want to be controlled by the currents that surround us we have to keep moving forward

The road to wherever you are going may seem irrelevant and boring but you have no idea where God will meet you...  

Monday, August 20, 2012


I heard a story yesterday which got me thinking ... A Cherokee chief had four sons and he sent told them all to go a look at this pear tree. One went in the winter time, the next in spring, the next in spring and the last in fall.

The chief gathered his sons and proceeded to ask them what they had seen. The first son had said that he had seen a tree that was bear, marked by emptiness, with nothing on the tree showing future promise.

The second son disagreed, saying that he had seen a tree covered in buds, showing the potential of the future life it had

The third disagreed again, saying that the tree was covered in beautiful flowers.

The last son said that all were incorrect, that the tree was producing great fruit

The son debated about who was correct, but then the chief stopped them saying that they were all correct but that life shouldn't be judged on the basis of one season.

A season may be hard but this doesn't mean that life is hard

A season may be beautiful or show potential or reap fruit but there is a time to be stripped bear and to go back to what is what is essential in your life

As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes there is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens so don't worry if your life seems empty and bare, because there is a future filled with potential, beauty and fruit ahead

Friday, June 22, 2012

Don’t let these waves wash away your hopes

This Song blows me away every time I listen to it... Please listen and read the lyrics

Wooden Heart
We’re all born to broken people on their most honest day of living 
and since that first breath... We’ll need grace that we’ve never given 
I've been haunted by standard red devils and white ghosts 
and it's not only when these eyes are closed 
these lies are ropes that I tie down in my stomach, 
but they hold this ship together tossed like leaves in this weather 
and my dreams are sails that I point towards my true north, 
stretched thin over my rib bones, and pray that it gets better 
but it won’t won’t, at least I don’t believe it will... 
so I've built a wooden heart inside this iron ship, 
to sail these blood red seas and find your coasts. 
don’t let these waves wash away your hopes 
this war-ship is sinking, and I still believe in anchors 
pulling fist fulls of rotten wood from my heart, I still believe in saviors 
but I know that we are all made out of shipwrecks, every single board 
washed and bound like crooked teeth on these rocky shores 
so come on and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief 
and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach 
come on and sew us together, tattered rags stained forever 
we only have what we remember 

I am the barely living son of a woman and man who barely made it 
but we’re making it taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts 
we all have the same holes in our hearts... 
everything falls apart at the exact same time 
that it all comes together perfectly for the next step 
but my fear is this prison... that I keep locked below the main deck 
I keep a key under my pillow, it’s quiet and it’s hidden 
and my hopes are weapons that I’m still learning how to use right 
but they’re heavy and I’m awkward...always running out of fight 
so I’ve carved a wooden heart, put it in this sinking ship 
hoping it would help me float for just a few more weeks 
because I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam 
lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea 
so come on let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief 
and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach 
come on and sew us together, just some tattered rags stained forever 
we only have what we remember 

My throat it still tastes like house fire and salt water 
I wear this tide like loose skin, rock me to sea 
if we hold on tight we’ll hold each other together 
and not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep 
all these machines will rust I promise, but we'll still be electric 
shocking each other back to life 
Your hand in mine, my fingers in your veins connected 
our bones grown together inside 
our hands entwined, your fingers in my veins braided 
our spines grown stronger in time 
because are church is made out of shipwrecks 
from every hull these rocks have claimed 
but we pick ourselves up, and try and grow better through the change 
so come on yall and let’s wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief 
and fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach 
come on and sew us together, were just tattered rags stained forever 
we only have what we remember

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I know that this is is a long video but it just opened my eyes and changed my life... 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Me and me mum and me dad and me gran with a bucket of vindaloo

Living in the states you get used to the general craziness that comes with regular life. Everything is a little more manic, faster... etc. than life in England

I say this with one exception. The time comes every two years in the month of June, where we find England (hopefully) competing in a international football (soccer, for my american readers) Tournament.

This year is the turn of Euro 2012. And a good percentage of England will go temporarily insane. Making claims that this is the year where we banish the memories of countless disappointments, which is followed by the depression after the inevitable penalty shootout failure.

One thing the underlines the insanity is the official Song which accompanies the madness. We have had some classics such 'Three Lions' but then we have had some which point towards the whole of England being put in straightjackets, such as Fat Les' 'Vindaloo' ... watch it below and you'll understand.

I have been and always will be one of these people who join the insanity... Come on England!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


My pastor said something in his sermon on Sunday that I don't think I'll ever forget.

He said that life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how we react to these events.

I'm going to be honest...

I'm kinda going through a situation in which I'm struggling and I can see how much of an impact my reaction to this effects everything... Not just me but those around me.

The situation is out of my hands but how I react isn't. I can choose to indulge in my struggle, and admittedly this feels good for a while but in the end it leads nowhere.

Alternatively I can choose to not let the situation effect my life. I know it's there but it's not ruling my life... Instead letting God rule it.

We need to trust God because he is the only consistent element in any of our lives.

Everything else in comparison is meaningless

Friday, May 25, 2012

Character over Comfort

God is more concerned about with your character than with you comfort

This is something that is evident throughout the Bible and is something that God is repeatedly bringing to my attention.

In one of the Narnia books by CS Lewis, one of the children asks whether Aslan, the Lion, is safe. The response is something I will never forget when thinking about how God interacts with us. The response is that 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good


Following God is not really a "safe" thing to do. And those who follow him don't always end up in the most comfortable places. People have ended up in a den of lions, in terrible storms, in the stomach of a whale ... You get the idea.

God is calling us to step up and sometimes stepping up means stepping into situations which we are not comfortable with. God is going to stretch us. It's gonna hurt.We need to embrace the situations. This is because it is these storms God is using to teach us. God just doesn't give us the gift of Patience, he puts us in situations where we have to develop patience. 

Instead of running away we need to be asking how can i be growing? We need to embrace these storms.

We don't go through these trials on our own. Time and time again, God proves that he is by your side and all you have to do is fix your eyes on him and everything else will fade into the background... 

Go on, embrace it and you'll never know what God will teach you

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Widows and Prophets

On Sunday, the preacher at my church told a powerful story of a widow giving up everything that she had in order to follow God. 

In 1 Kings 17, we are told a story of Elijah, during a major Drought being provided for by a poor widow. First, he called her and asked her for some water... this did not cost her as she just went to the well. But he also asked her for some bread... this did cost her. She replied  "As the Lord your God lives, I have nothing baked, only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. And now I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it and die.”

This is kinda intense. Elijah is asking for the widows last remaining food. This is the food she had put aside so that she could have a final meal with her son before dying. Elijah responds by telling her not to fear, but to go and make the bread for him, herself and her son, saying "For thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘The jar of flour shall not be spent, and the jug of oil shall not be empty, until the day that the Lord sends rain upon the earth.’”. And this is what happened...

She had to show the faith before the results of faith were shown... this is being really impressed onto me at the moment. I have been reminded that if we are going to walk on the water, we have to get out the boat... we have to make the first step... and sometimes the results of our faith are not as obvious and sometimes we falter... but we need to remember to live by faith and not by sight and not react to the things happening but to what we know God is telling us.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Wizard is never late...

I am loving life at the moment, but the future is ever present in my mind. I am in the process of trying to sort it out so I can stay in the Area and work for Urban Promise. I know that God has it in his hands but i'm not blessed with an abundance of patience.

I'm reminded of this scene from Lord of the Rings (i know, I use Lord of the Rings for many examples), and it speaks of the Character of God, that he won't be rushed by our narrow-minded, short term vision.God is never late, or early, but instead God arrives exactly when he planned to, seeing the whole picture not just the immediate.

God is the Alpha and Omega. He is the First and Last. He sees the breadth of Human history and has my life in his hand, along with the timing. It is very frustrating though. Its like standing on top a mountain, where the view should be spectacular, but everything is covered with mist, not revealing the incredible things underneath...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I've been told from time to time that where my heart is, there also i'll find my treasure.

Well, It is here, amongst the broken sidewalks and pain filled lives that I find a potential without measure.

It is in a city invincible, ignored by the great. In the shadow of Brotherly Love, yet marred by hate.

It is here that i find my heart alive. It is here that I feel in synch. But remember, Beauty in this small city is shy, and you'll miss it if you blink.

I've been told from time to time that home is where my heart is. And this know for sure. It is in this city with a people so strong, that I find the home that I've been looking for, all along.